Your Toddler Can Swim! Mastery Programme

Your Toddler Can Swim! Mastery Programme

There are no pre-requisites for the Mastery Programme and though beneficial, you do not need to have completed the Your Baby Can Swim! programme to participate. The programme is best suited to children between 12 and 24 months regardless of previous experience (if any).

So! Your 'Tiny Bundle' is not so tiny anymore! They’re wanting to stand and can even use furniture to pull themselves up into a standing position on flat feet (if they’re not already running rings around you!). Access to the water will be a lot more ready now they are toddling about and so it’s time to make sure we do all we can to keep them safe in and around water.

The Mastery syllabus is designed specifically to meet new needs and provide the challenge your toddler needs now they are more physically able. The classes also act as a bridge between the 'Baby' and 'Young Child' programmes as we start to introduce some elements of STAnley.

No swimmer can ever be 100% water safe but the Mastery syllabus aims to teach your child basic skills that will give them a chance to help themselves should they ever need to.

  • Parents and infants develop and master their safety skills
  • Babies become self-confident and gradually self-reliant in the water, through bonding, communication and trust, play, fun and lots of praise
  • Leg and arm movements are encouraged and developed in preparation for swimming
  • Underwater breath-holding capacity is developed.
  • More movement and experimentation in the water is encouraged by playing games and having fun.

You can participate in "Your Toddler Can Swim! Mastery Level", at any of the venues and times below:

Carrickfergus Amphitheatre: Mondays @ 15:30 – 16:00

Larne Leisure Centre: Wednesdays @ 10:30 – 11:00

Seven Towers Leisure Centre, Ballymena: Thursday @ 17:30 - 18:00


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Baby Swim Classes